Last weekend
BlackBird Images photographed a wedding at the
UVA Chapel. It's a venue incredibly in demand; the University schedules the Chapel by lottery a year in advance. With light like this, you can see why it's such a popular wedding location:

While it holds approximately 250 people, it also feels very cozy and intimate.

And yes, even when it's 35 degrees outside, some of our brides are happy to brave the elements - especially when the Rotunda and Lawn are right beside the Chapel.

A couple of notes about the Chapel: Parking is tough - the wedding party is allowed five parking passes. Everyone else is left to fend for themselves (we parked across the street near one of the frat houses). The Chapel is also tightly scheduled; your wedding may take place right on the heels of another ceremony or service. But if you went to UVA, or just want a beautiful non-denominational church, the minor inconveniences are definitely worth it.