Some amazing photographs of the May 12 earthquake in China have surfaced, photos that exist because of the timing of the quake — in midafternoon, when several newlywed couples happened to be having their wedding photos taken near the town of Bailu.
Note while the wedding party looks slightly worse for wear, the groom is nonetheless up for a little texting.

The Associated Press reports
(here's the article) that the photographer, Wang Qiang, was set up outside the century-old French missionary church there, no longer in use but still popular as a romantic backdrop for wedding portraits. He had already taken some shots and was waiting for the couple he was photographing to change clothes when the quake struck; he started recording what happened as the church started to crumble.
For more quake photos by taken by Wang,
check out this Chinese news site - while you're there you can try out your translation skills.
The closest we've come to a disaster at a wedding (unless brides fainting at the altar can be considered a disaster) is when a carriage horse fell at Natural Bridge while bringing the bride and her father to the service; the combination of concrete and rain and metal shoes made for terrible footing. (Picture quality isn't great, but we were about 300 yards away at the time.) Oh - and note the Natural Bridge employee looking "official" so he doesn't have to participate.

The horse was actually calmer than everyone else - he simply stayed down until they unhooked his traces, then he got back to his feet and patiently waited to be hooked back up. Three minutes later they were on their way again.
And in case you were worried, here he is later, looking understandably sheepish but otherwise fine.

While it pales in comparison to an earthquake story... hey, that's fine by us.