More congratulations are in order. We photographed Jeremiah and Erin Bishop's wedding several years ago....

Jeremiah is a world-class mountain bike racer, and last year he won the U.S. National Mountain Bike Championship in both the short track and the marathon classifications. (Just how good is he? In 2006 he placed eight at the World Championships, which is the highest placing of any U.S. male at that event in over a decade.)

He's also a versatile rider; above is a photo we took at the 2006 Tour of Shenandoah road race, an event he entered just to mix up his training (and as a favor to race organizers.)
He's also been invited to be on the panel of the Washington & Lee University Institute of Honor Conference this month,
"Sports in America: Playing Fair," where he'll discuss his views on doping and illegal performance enhancement. (Quick summary: He's against it.)
It's quite an honor, since the conference features speakers like Myles Brand, the head of the NCAA, Travis Tygert, Senior Managing Director and General Counsel of the United States Anti-Doping Agency, and Jeffrey Toobin, lawyer, author, and legal analyst for CNN and The New Yorker.