We're frequently asked for our opinions about wedding venues, so occasionally we'll list some of the
BlackBird Images team's favorites. Last fall we photographed a wedding at the Oakencroft Vineyard outside Charlottesville, VA. It's a few miles out of the city in a wonderful location for an outdoor wedding: rolling hills, a small lake, great views of the Blue Ridge Mountains in the distance.... The day we went to take a look at the location (we visit wedding locations we're not familiar with ahead of time) about fifteen deer ran across a hillside on the other side of the lake. Weddings can be held in the vineyards themselves (there are large grassy areas surrounded by rows of vines) or in the courtyard in front of the main building. The wedding we photographed was held in late afternoon and the light was fantastic. Here's a picture of the happy couple just after the ceremony.

A few other photos from the wedding can be found on the
BlackBird Images website; to visit us,
click here.
A couple things to keep in mind: The Oakencroft Vineyard doesn't handle catering and logistics; that's your responsibility. If you want a dance floor, tents, catering, etc, you'll have to arrange those yourself - in effect they simply rent the space. It's a working vineyard that doubles as an event venue, is a gorgeous site for a wedding and reception, and is a great place for beautiful wedding photographs. To visit the Oakencroft Vineyard website,
click here.