Today's question is:
"How much time should I allow for my post-ceremony bridal party photos?"
We led with this question because almost every couple wants some amount of posed photos after the ceremony. To answer the question, first think about how large your wedding is and how many different photos you'll want.
Common poses include the bride and groom with:
So, with all that said: We work fairly quickly, and since we bring two photographers, we can make the post-ceremony photo session go faster and smoother than most photographers. The typical session takes 25 to 35 minutes, depending on how many different groupings you want. Then, if you and your spouse want to stick around for another 10 or 15 minutes, we can get a number of different photos of just the two of us.
The biggest variable, quite frankly, is how cooperative and attentive your friends and family are: If people drift away and have to be retrieved the session can take considerably longer. Some sessions have taken as long as an hour due to family members wandering away, although that's fairly rare. Because we work quickly and efficiently, most family members stay close by and try to help things move along quickly, too. (We try not to give anyone time to drift away.)
For more Frequently Asked Questions, visit the BlackBird Images website and our FAQ section.

- Bridesmaids
- Groomsmen
- Bridesmaids and Groomsmen together
- Bride's parents (and another shot including siblings)
- Groom's parents (and another shot including siblings)
- Both sets of parents (plus a shot of all siblings)
- Separate shots with grandparents, siblings, and extended family
So, with all that said: We work fairly quickly, and since we bring two photographers, we can make the post-ceremony photo session go faster and smoother than most photographers. The typical session takes 25 to 35 minutes, depending on how many different groupings you want. Then, if you and your spouse want to stick around for another 10 or 15 minutes, we can get a number of different photos of just the two of us.
The biggest variable, quite frankly, is how cooperative and attentive your friends and family are: If people drift away and have to be retrieved the session can take considerably longer. Some sessions have taken as long as an hour due to family members wandering away, although that's fairly rare. Because we work quickly and efficiently, most family members stay close by and try to help things move along quickly, too. (We try not to give anyone time to drift away.)
For more Frequently Asked Questions, visit the BlackBird Images website and our FAQ section.